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Free websites to design your logo

Free websites to design your logo

Free websites to design your logo

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Designed to design logos


Commercial companies need their own logo to serve as the visual identity and symbol of the brand. Major companies have professional designers working on designing their logo, but professional design requires large resources and sums that may not be available to other companies. There are companies that hire an independent designer to reduce costs. But what if you could design your company's logo yourself and without any financial costs? This is what we are talking about in this article, where we offer you a set of free programs that you can use to create a professional logo.

Here is a list of free sites to design your logo

Many people are beginners in the field of e-commerce and do not have enough budget to design a logo by a professional designer, and they may not have enough skill to design the logo themselves, so here comes the role of free programs to design logos in a professional way. If you want to know about these programs, here is a list of the names of free programs. To design logos.

  1. location Wix Logo Maker

It is the first free site on the list that gives you a logo design with full commercial rights, as no other person or company will be able to use this logo, and it does not require many steps to obtain a distinctive design. It is only enough to answer some of the questions that are presented to you to obtain all The information and ideas that you want to put in the logo, and then the program designs the logo. It also gives you options to specify the color, font, and size you want. All you need to do is create an account on the site to be able to access all the tools that you can use to create many different designs.

  1. location Tailor Brands

This site works in the same way as the previous site, as it gives you some questions through which it comes up with the best design for the logo that you want, but this site adds another feature, which is providing several different designs for the logo to allow you to choose the best design for the logo. The site also features ready-made templates and graphics that you can use for advertisements. On social media.

  1. location Zyro

Another free site that provides you with a large collection of logos. Log in to the site so you can then get a suitable design after entering the company name and logo and choosing the colors you prefer, in addition to the font shape and size.

  1. location Canva

It is the most famous free website ever, as the site comes to you in two versions, one free and the other paid. The program provides you with thousands of free templates. You can also upload your own images and put them in the logo template of your choice. You can also choose multiple images and graphics from the site’s library, but this does not give you The site has commercial rights to the design template you choose and can be used by anyone.

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  1. location Graphic Springs

This site does not differ from other previous sites in that it is free to use and provides a large number of templates and designs. Enter the company name and logo and the site will present you with a set of designs that you can choose from. Although the site is free, it asks you for an amount of money so that you can Download the design.

  1. location LogoMakr

This site is characterized by ease of use. All you have to do is choose the design shape you want and then modify it, whether in terms of colors, texts, or size. It also provides you with a tool to cut the logo in an ideal way, and then you can download it to your device for free, but the downloaded version will be of low quality, and in case you wish To download it in higher quality, you have to pay a fee.

  1. location Ucraft

It is a website specialized in creating and creating websites. However, it offers a free logo design service with accuracy and high quality. You can choose from thousands of templates and modify them.

  1. location Online Logo Maker

The interface of this site is similar to the interface of the Graphic Spring site. It is an easy-to-use site and provides a large number of icons that help you get a distinctive design. You can also choose a picture from your personal profile. The site gives you an unlimited number of designs that you can download in high quality and you can modify them. At any time.

  1. location Designmantic

This site provides you with more than thirty categories from which you can choose what suits your work. Choose the style of logo you desire and specify the font type and colors. However, the site does not grant you permission to download unless you pay a fee in order to obtain a file of your logo with high accuracy.

  1. location Shopify

It is the famous site for creating websites and electronic stores. In addition to these services, this site offers you a large set of free tools to design your company’s logo, in addition to the tool for creating a trade name for your company. All you have to do is write the name of your company and choose an appropriate symbol, and you can modify the colors and size and choose the appropriate font. In the end, you will get a unique and completely free design.

Therefore, the company's logo is the most important element in defining your brand, which requires designing a professional and unique logo. Through the previous list of the best free logo design sites, you will be able to get a distinctive logo that you can create yourself without paying any costs.

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