The most important electronic payment methods in Jordan

The most important electronic payment methods in Jordan

The most important electronic payment methods in Jordan

With the continuous technological development and the transition of most services to the automated and electronic system, electronic payment methods have been created using mobile phones and...Payment gateways Through websites, all Arab countries adopt these electronic means of payment via the Internet, and the State of Jordan comes at the forefront of these countries, which supports a different group of electronic payment methods, which we mention below.

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The most important electronic payment methods in Jordan

Like other countries, Jordan has provided all electronic payment methods, whether through applications or electronic portals, which provide very easy services with full protection for receiving and transferring money. All electronic payment methods in Jordan are subject to the supervision of the Central Bank of Jordan, and through these means people can pay All financial invoices within the country, and below we present the most important of these methods and their advantages:

  1. Zain Cash

Zain Cash application is one of the first payment methods in Jordan, and it is one of the best secure ways to pay online, receive and send money, all of which are done through the mobile phone.
Zain Cash services can be obtained by going to one of the service branches located in all parts of the Kingdom of Jordan, submitting a request to create an account and issuing a Zain Cash card, so that you can use the card in all commercial places that support electronic payment, in addition to the possibility of paying on all electronic shopping sites. Inside and outside the Hashemite Kingdom, the Zain Cash application also provides the feature of electronic payment for schools and universities, and the use of the Zain Cash application as a means of purchasing online and paying for stores supported by the application.
The Zain Cash wallet can also be used to transfer money to other customers, the ability to recharge the balance to all mobile phone networks, and pay various bills such as electricity, communication bills, water bills, etc.

  1. UWallet

The second means of electronic payment in Jordan is the UWallet wallet, as the wallet provides the electronic payment service through the mobile phone. The wallet is subject to the supervision of the Central Bank of Jordan, and the application provides a money transfer service for all people. The application also features the service of receiving monthly salaries for workers, and the service provides... The possibility of issuing a credit card through which customers can receive and deposit money in automated teller machines, purchase online and through stores that support ATMs, in addition to the ability to pay electricity, gas, water, and other bills.
You can subscribe to the service easily by downloading the UWallet application, then registering with the wallet from within the application, and choosing the services you want to subscribe to, to obtain a safe and easy-to-use electronic payment method.

  1. Your dinar service

Another means of electronic payment in Jordan is the Dinarak application, which is also subject to the supervision of the Central Bank of Jordan. Through the service’s application, you can transfer and receive money in addition to paying for purchases. The wallet is characterized by the ease of subscribing to it and opening an account in Dinarak, through the phone number. Phone only, with which you can open an electronic account with ease.
Through the Dinarak application, you can enjoy a wide range of services in addition to transferring and receiving money, such as paying bills, paying for purchases from electronic stores or physical stores and shopping centers, in addition to the ability to recharge the balance to any phone network. The application also provides you with the advantage of withdrawing and depositing money through exchange branches. Which supports the wallet.
You can follow the following steps to open an account in Dinarak Wallet:

  • Go to one of the Dinarak branches located in the Kingdom of Jordan
  • Make sure to bring your personal ID card
  • Fill out the registration form provided by the customer service representative and then sign it
  • After that, the employee will register the data and open the account
  • After registering the account, the account activation code will be sent to the phone
  1. خدمة علاونة بي AlawnehPay (آية بي AyaPay سابقاً)

تطبيق علاونة بي AlawnehPayهو أحد وسائل الدفع الإلكتروني في الأردن والتي تدعم الدفع لكافة المتاجر الإلكترونية ومراكز التسوق، كما يوفر التطبيق الخاص بالمحفظة خدمة دفع كافة الفواتير للجهات الحكومية، وخدمة سحب الأموال من خلال ماكينات الصرافة الآلية، كما توفر ميزة NFC والتي تمكن مستخدميها من الدفع في المواصلات على اختلاف أنواعها.
ويتم إنشاء محفظة علاونة بي AlawnehPay

من خلال التوجه لأحد فروع الخدمة وتقديم طلب برقم الهاتف، ثم القيام بتحميل التطبيق الخاص بالخدمة، واستخدام كود التفعيل الذي يتم إرساله في رسالة نصية على الهاتف.

  • After downloading the application, click on Create an account
  • Then write your phone number and passcode next to the activation code, then click Create Account

  1. Meps wallet

The National Meps Wallet is another means of electronic payment in Jordan. The wallet comes with a license from the Central Bank of Jordan. The Meps Wallet offers a range of electronic payment services such as:

  • Sending and receiving money
  • Pay various bills
  • Receiving employee salaries in the Kingdom
  • Pay for online purchases from local and international online stores
  • Possibility of issuing a credit card
  • Withdrawing medium-sized loans from private financing companies
  • Dealing with commercial sectors and providing services and solutions that are compatible with their business
  • Transferring from the wallet to any bank account, or any other wallet
  1. eFAWATEERcom application

It is a service provided by the Jordanian Post as a means of electronic payment in Jordan, as the Post provides your invoices service through an electronic application for the service, where the application allows the payment of all due invoices, and through it you can pay university fees and traffic violations.

In addition, there are many electronic payment methods in Jordan, and the goal is one and the same, which is to facilitate online payment. Tell us which electronic payment method you prefer from the previously mentioned methods.

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