Instagram or Pinterest? Learn about the most important differences between them and which one is suitable for your business in 2022

Instagram or Pinterest? Learn about the most important differences between them and which one is suitable for your business in 2022

Instagram or Pinterest? Learn about the most important differences between them and which one is suitable for your business in 2022

What is the difference between Instagram and Pinterest? Learn about the most important differences between them and which one is suitable for your business in 2022. Many people wonder whether Instagram or Pinterest is better for branding in the near future, as these two applications are very important in electronic marketing, so business owners use them to intelligently target the target audience for the brand. This is what we will talk about in today’s article in detail.

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What is the definition and purpose of the Pinterest and Instagram platforms?

In the following lines we mention Definition of Instagram and Pinterest Their purpose is as follows:


Instagram is a free global online photo and video sharing application and popular social platform that was acquired by Facebook in 2012.

What are the ways to interact on Instagram?

  1. Edit and upload photos and short videos through the mobile application.
  2. Comment on their posts and use hashtags and location-based geotags to support posts and make them searchable by other users within the app.
  3. Instagram users can like and comment on others' posts, as well as send private messages to their friends via the Instagram Direct feature.
  4. A user's posts appear on their followers' homepage and can also be seen by the public when they search using hashtags or geotags.
  5. Users also have the option to make their profile private so that only their followers can see their posts.
  6. Images can also be shared on one or more other social networking sites including Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, etc easily.


  • Pinterest can be considered a visual search engine for finding ideas like recipes, home decor ideas, style, and much more.
  • You can upload photos and videos to the platform and others can like and comment on them.
  • One of the most popular uses of Pinterest is to share food and drink recipes, where you can share your own recipes or popular recipes.

What are the ways to interact with Pinterest?

  1. Like all other social media sites, Pinterest has its own way of interacting:
  2. When you share something on Pinterest, each bookmark is called a pin.
  3. When you share someone else's Pin on Pinterest, it is called a Repin.
  4. You group pins together by topic into different boards or pin boards on your profile.
  5. With billions of pins on Pinterest, you'll always find ideas to inspire you.
  6. When you discover pins you love, save them in your folder to keep your ideas organized and easy to find.

Instagram or Pinterest? Learn about the most important differences between them and which one suits your business in 2022

We mention the most important difference between Instagram and Pinterest. Learn about the most important differences between them and which one is suitable for your business in 2022 as follows:

Usage – The difference between Instagram and Pinterest

  • Pinterest is mainly used to discover something, be it a recipe, unique home decor ideas, creative kids toy ideas, and more.
  • Simply put, Pinterest followers are looking for inspiration and what's new and useful on topics that interest them.
  • So users usually search for specific keywords to find this content and follow specific accounts that publish this type of content.
  • If you post a picture of your dinner, it will likely get a lot of attention and likes without having to mention the exact steps of how the meal is prepared or any details about it. The picture here alone is the focus.

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Target audience - the difference between Instagram and Pinterest

  1. Instagram's audience is more diverse than Pinterest's.
  2. It is also much larger, however, in marketing, the quality of your audience is more important than the quantity of your audience.
  3. Instagram's audience is more diverse, with over 1 billion monthly active users on the Instagram platform, here are some important statistics about this audience:
  4. 70% of Instagram users are under 35 years old.
  5. Most active users on Instagram Instagram is for 18-29 year olds.
  6. The percentage of users were women (39%) compared to (30%) men.
  7. As for Pinterest, as of January 2021, Pinterest ranked 14th globally in terms of number of active users.
  8. The platform gained over 100 million monthly active users in 2020, which was the largest increase the platform has ever seen.
  9. Pinterest's largest audience is women, at least 80%.
  10. Women between the ages of 25 and 34 represent about 30.4% of the Pinterest ad audience.

Desktop vs Mobile – The difference between Instagram and Pinterest

  • He works Pinterest Pinterest works well on both desktop and mobile, and many users prefer it on desktop.
  • Although the platform has many great features for mobile users, for example: (purchasable pins or show more option is such an option).
  • And since e-commerce conversions so far occur at higher rates on desktop than on mobile, this of course works in Pinterest's favor.
  • Meanwhile, Instagram primarily functions as a mobile app.
  • On desktop, you can view content and comment on other users' posts, but you can't upload anything new.
  • You also won't see ads and won't be able to view or download stories.
  • But it cannot be denied that the tremendous developments that have occurred on the platform recently to support its work in everything related to e-commerce easily through the mobile application.

Video content – the difference between Instagram and Pinterest

  • Not long ago, this would have been a huge factor in deciding whether you would choose Instagram or Pinterest for your business.
  • Because Pinterest does not support organic video content on the platform that has now changed!
  • Instagram and Pinterest are starting to look more and more similar as Pinterest recently launched improved and upgraded video sharing features on the platform for both users and businesses.
  • In addition to analytics and scheduling, a video tab has been introduced.
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