How to evaluate the effectiveness of your website

How to evaluate the effectiveness of your website

How to evaluate the effectiveness of your website? Certainly, the answer to this question is very important, as website design is not just a beautiful appearance, but website design must meet several very important criteria for the success of the website.

So we will talk in today's article on the site EnglishShop About the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of your website.

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How to evaluate the effectiveness of your website

We will mention in the following lines the steps to evaluate the effectiveness of your website:

Evaluate the strategy on site

Is there a strategy implemented during the planning phase of the design? website Your own which defines the following items?

  • Clarity of the information provided by the site.
  • Clarity of the added value and purpose of the site.
  • Business model.
  • Content strategy.
  • Search engine strategy.
  • Also a troubleshooting strategy.
  • Content publishing policies.
  • Content management system.
  • quality assurance.

Evaluating the site structure is the most important tool for evaluating the effectiveness of your website

Website architecture can play a huge role in increasing leads and sales, creating clear paths for your website visitors which enhance the website experience and content accessibility.

  1. Can users access the information easily?
  2. Also, does your website have a search function?
  3. Is there a main menu for browsing the site on each page?

Site browsing classification

Browsing any website is a clear indicator to all users and search engines, letting them know what your focus is, what you do, and what they should do. If your website becomes complicated to navigate, you will lose a lot of customers.

  • Is your browsing experience built on understanding how customers use your site to access certain information?
  • Do the navigation methods match the way users think and the language they use when talking about your products or services?
  • Also, what are the most important pages in the main menu?
  • Do each of the dropdown menus within the main menu contain less than four links?
  • Does your website have a main menu and submenu?
  • Also, do your blog articles contain internal links pointing to important site pages?
  • Are the links labeled with text indicating the content they are directed to?

Evaluate integration with search engines

With 93% of online experiences starting with a search for a product or service, 75% of users never go beyond the first page of search results. It is no secret that preparing your site for optimization processes to appear on search engines during the site design process has become a must.

  1. Does your website have the essential elements to appear in search engines?
  2. Also, is search engine strategy included in the entire website design process?
  3. Does each content page only have one URL?

Content evaluation is the most important tool for evaluating the effectiveness of your website

Content helps in increasing customers and makes you an expert in your field, without having valuable content that users easily consume. It can be difficult to build trust with your visitors and also rank in search engines.

  • Does your website have the content required to prove that you are an expert in your field?
  • Does the writing style fit the site's purpose and “speak” to the target audience?
  • Also, is your content optimized for users and search engines?
  • Does each piece of content have a hierarchy – H1, H2 and H3 tags?
  • Page title (main topic) H1?
  • Does each page only have an H1 tag?
  • Multiple H3 tags can be added – subtopics for each H2 tag.
  • Can your content be scanned by users?
  • Does your website include a blog?
  • Multiple H2 tags can be added – subtopics of the main topic
  • Are customer reviews integrated into every page on the site?
  • Does your website include high-value content for each topic you want to target?

Analyze and measure the effectiveness of your website

Once your website is live, making sure that you can effectively track your website visitors and how they interact with your website is key to understanding which marketing strategies work best for your business, and how you can improve them.

  1. Have you used Google Analytics to determine what content you want to keep or create?
  2. Also, have you implemented an analytics strategy that measures traffic, conversions, and content value?
  3. Do you have a scorecard created for reporting each month?

Evaluate image quality and color

65% of marketing experts rely on visual content as the basis of their marketing strategy, and based on a statistic, 94% of visual content gets more views than non-visual content, so you should use expressive and professional images on your website.

  • Are you using custom images that are a consistent size and quality across your website?
  • Are your product images high quality and consistent in size?
  • If you have a basic image on the site, is it high resolution?
  • Are the colors used harmonious and logical?
  • Are your social media icons customized to match the style of your website and consistent throughout your website?

Read also: Is marketing limited only to advertising?

Evaluate fonts and readability

Nielsen's "eye tracking" study indicated that less than 20% of content is read on an average web page. In another test, Nielsen tested different website styles. Short copies can be read by eye and the content changed which increased the score to 124% in terms of ease of use.

  1. Is the font size fixed on all pages of the site?
  2. Also, is the font spacing consistent across your website?
  3. Are the fonts easy to read on different screens?

Evaluate the conversion of visitors into customers

One of the biggest mistakes designers and website owners make is adding too many call-to-action points on a single page or on the site as a whole. Each page should contain one or two goals at most, the most important of which is primary and the second of which is secondary.

  • Does your website have a fixed hierarchy of conversions?
  • Also is there an email registration form on each page?
  • Does each page contain one or at most two CTAs?

Competitor analysis is the most important tool for evaluating the effectiveness of your website

Competitor analysis helps you build an effective website, because it reveals to you how competitors compete to gain customers' trust and how they present data on products or services. Important tip: Have you analyzed 3 of your competitor sites?

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