What are the four main types of ads?

What are the four main types of ads?

What are the four main types of ads? The types of advertisements differ according to several classifications in terms of the purpose of the advertisement and the category that the advertisement targets. In today’s article, we will mention what are the four main types of advertisements? In the following lines in detail.

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What are the four main types of ads?

We will mention in the following lines what are the four main types of advertisements as follows:

  • Media advertising: This advertisement aims to strengthen the relationship between the advertiser and customers, and the person responsible for it is the relationship manager.
  • Educational advertisement: This advertisement aims to inform customers of the necessary information about the different products and the features of each type, in addition to how to use them.
  • Competitive advertising: This type of advertising is used when there are many competing companies in the same field.
  • Targeted advertising: This advertising directs customers to places where they can easily purchase goods, saving them the process of searching for locations.
  • Reminder advertisement: This advertisement makes customers think about the existence of the product and commodity, because due to the increase in current products, the person will forget the company’s product.

What are the different types of ads?

There are several types of advertisements circulated on various social media sites, and of the four main types of advertisements we will show you the following:

Advertisement collecting customer data

This type of advertising is the type that came as a result of business owners' interest in acquiring customers. To achieve this, advertisements are made on social networking sites such as Facebook, and this advertisement is made as if it were a page for selling products.

Knowing that this advertisement only needs attractive text, in addition to placing a picture on the product, it is preferable to ask a series of questions to customers to find out what they want from the products.

Advertising products

If you are one of the people who like to use Facebook for browsing, you can use this to advertise your products or the business you do, as you can earn likes on your business page to increase advertisements.

In this type of advertising, a person has to pay attention to the page periodically, and you have to filter people every now and then so that your content reaches the core customers who prefer your product.

Video advertising

Videos are one of the most popular ways to advertise something right now, and you can simply use this method to get a higher percentage of your marketing, knowing that videos are a great way to attract and satisfy customers.

Advertisement for a group or band

Group or miscellaneous advertising can be used in many companies, whether tangible or companies that use the Internet, but there must be a specific correct strategy for using this type of advertising.

Collecting a large number of videos and images related to one thing, this ad brings together what looks like a full screen on the topic, which helps increase engagement and customer interest.

Introductory announcement

Many media are used in advertisement Presentation, where sound, images and possibly text are also used. You can also see exclusive stories delivered on mobile phones, and this Facebook ad runs on mobile phones.

Advertisement The individual's interaction with the post

This advertisement aims to engage the individual in posts, as this is done through Facebook to identify people with different brands. This type of advertisement also achieves a high success rate, as it increases interaction on the official pages of the product or company.

What are ad ranking factors?

After learning about the types of ads and the difference between them, if you want to determine the factors that can affect the ranking of ads. You can know that there are four classifications that affect ads, and these classifications are as follows:

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Classification according to target customer category

The target audience classification for advertising is divided into more than one type, and you can identify these types through the following:

  • Industrial advertising: It is an advertisement for people who work as factory managers, use some tools and then sell them to the public.
  • Consumer advertisements: This advertisement is directed to a large group of consumers, and one of the most popular types of advertisements is food advertisements.
  • Professional advertising: This type of advertising is advertised through newspapers, and is directed to people with different professions, such as doctors.

Classification by geographical location of the ad

The classification based on geographical location can be easily seen through the following lines:

  1. Regional advertising: This type of advertising means what is presented within the Arab world, and satellite channels and the press are used to advertise products.
  2. Local advertising: This advertising targets customers who belong to a specific place in an area, where some local means are used to address them, and their distribution is local as well.
  3. International advertising: is what advertises a product or commodity in an entire country, using the language of the large country in which the advertisement is requested.
  4. National Advertisement: This advertisement must be comprehensive at the state level, and several advertising methods must be used in it, taking into account their appropriate distribution throughout the entire region.

Classification according to advertising objective

Regarding the goal for which the advertisement is presented, there is more than one type of advertisement, but you can learn the meaning of each type by following the following:

  • Institutional announcement: An institutional announcement is made with the aim of indicating the name of an organization or institution, examining the achievements it has achieved within society during the period of its establishment.
  • Initial advertising: The purpose of this type of advertising is to promote an idea, as it highlights some things in particular, and this is exactly what most insurance companies do.
  • Optional advertising: An advertisement used to promote a product in the market, or even the name of a particular company.

Classification according to advertising medium

Anyone can make his own advertisement in several ways, the most popular of which are the following:

  1. Placing advertisements in cinema.
  2. Use newspaper advertisements.
  3. Display ads on the Internet.
  4. Use radio advertising.
  5. Road advertisements.
  6. Place direct mail ads.
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