Technical news

The era of artificial intelligence, the chatbot “ChatGPT” as a model

انتشر في الآونة الأخيرة روبوت المحادثة ChatGPT وهو اختصار لـ(Generative Pre-trained Transformer) تم إطلاقه بواسطة OpenAI في نوفمبر 2022. اجتذب الروبوت ملايين المستخدمين بعد وقت قصير من إطلاقه، وكذلك اجتذب الكثير من المستثمرين إلى مجال الذكاء الاصطناعي التوليدي.   ChatGPT عبارة عن روبوت محادثة ذكاء اصطناعي تم إنشاؤه بواسطة OpenAI والذي يستخدم التعلم الآلي لتوليد […]

The era of artificial intelligence, the chatbot “ChatGPT” as a model Read More »

What are the predictions of technology fortune tellers?

What are the predictions of technology fortune tellers?

What are the predictions of technology fortune tellers? / Part One / The concept of fortune-tellers and astrology may not agree with the concept of science and technology in an article together, but based on the guarantee of science and logic, technology fortune-tellers are considered more trustworthy than others, because the current path of the changing and accelerating digital age has become one of the topics that most raises expectations and what it will be like. Humans in

What are the predictions of technology fortune tellers? Read More »

What are the top 8 marketing podcasts you need to listen to?

Top 8 Marketing Podcast Channels

A podcast is a group of episodes recorded in audio form and broadcast over the Internet. You can hear them during the live broadcast or by recording the episodes and listening to them later, whether using your smartphone or a computer, using special programs that play the podcast. In other words, the podcast is the modern version of Radio So what are the 8 best marketing podcast channels?

Top 8 Marketing Podcast Channels Read More »

5 documentaries for those interested in marketing..

5 documentaries for those interested in marketing..

The concept of marketing: Marketing is defined as a group of activities carried out by companies in order to promote the purchase or sale of a product or service, which results in directing the flow of goods and services from producers to consumers. Marketing includes the processes of advertising, selling and delivering products. To consumers or other businesses. Read also. If your capabilities

5 documentaries for those interested in marketing.. Read More »

Thousands of employees were laid off in major technology companies

Thousands of employees were laid off in major technology companies

With the economic crisis that affected all countries of the world, especially after the Russian-Ukrainian war, all markets were subjected to a painful blow, as interest rates rose and the majority of countries were exposed to the risk of inflation. On the other hand, the sales of major companies, including technology companies, declined. After the pace of sales increased to its highest levels during the Corona epidemic period, this was followed by a sharp decline as well

Thousands of employees were laid off in major technology companies Read More »

Bundled Projects

Bundled Projects

المشروع هو مجموعة من الأنشطة التي يتم تطبيقها لتحقيق أهداف محددة في فترة زمنية محددة ، ويمكن تعريف إدارة المشروع بأنها وظيفة الإدارة التي تسعى إلى قيادة مشروع ما من بدايته مروراً بتطبيقه وصولاً إلى انتهائه . و المشاريع المجمعة Bundled Projects هي إحدى أهم المشاريع الاستراتيجية الفعَالة والسَريعة التي تتميز بخصائص وميزات عديدة، وبناءً

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What is the International Monetary Fund?

What is the International Monetary Fund?

The International Monetary Fund is a global financial institution, which was established with the aim of providing financial aid to member states, which number 190 countries. The IMF contributes by lending to countries to address the financial deficit to which these countries are exposed. The idea of establishing the International Monetary Fund was put forward after World War II, when many countries of the world suffered a setback

What is the International Monetary Fund? Read More »

Restaurant Industry Trends for 2022-2023

Restaurant Industry Trends for 2022-2023

Despite the difficulties the restaurant sector faced during the pandemic and beyond, entrepreneurs succeeded in establishing successful food and beverage companies focused on harnessing technology to change the shape of the industry. In recent years, the restaurant industry has been facing a major challenge due to the unclear conditions imposed by the global pandemic “Covid-19” and changes in demand behavior and experience.

Restaurant Industry Trends for 2022-2023 Read More »

Elon Musk leaks secret conversations about censorship on Twitter

Elon Musk leaks secret conversations about censorship on Twitter. The new Twitter administration, represented by Elon Musk, leaked top-secret conversations related to US President Joe Biden's son, Hunter Biden. Elon Musk has released the “Twitter Files” that reveal secret high-level conversations between former Twitter executives. The files shed light on a specific situation from a year

Elon Musk leaks secret conversations about censorship on Twitter Read More »

Google Play announces its choices for the best apps and games of 2022.

Google Play has announced its top picks for apps and games for 2022 in its store. Every year we learn about the best apps and games on Google Play and who developed them. The annual awards showcase the top titles in the Play Store for phones, tablets, watches and Chromebooks. Google added in its blog: “Every year we learn about the best applications and games on Google Play

Google Play announces its choices for the best apps and games of 2022. Read More »

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