
Trinavo is the best ready-made online store design company in Egypt

نعلم جيدًا أن إنشاء متجر إلكتروني جاهز يحتاج إلى الخبرة والكفاءة. لهذا السبب، نقدم في ترينافو كافة خدمات اتصميم المتاجر الإلكترونية المجانية الجاهزة في مصر، مع الحرص على توفير التصاميم المتطورة والوظائف اللازمة لتحويل موقعك إلى متجر إلكتروني ناجح وفعال. كيف تختار شركات انشاء متجر الكتروني جاهز المناسبة لك؟ اختيار منصة لإنشاء متجر إلكتروني في […]

Trinavo is the best ready-made online store design company in Egypt Read More »

What is the size of the e-commerce market in the Arab region in 2022?

The size of the e-commerce market in the Arab region in 2022?

The concept of electronic commerce: Commerce is one of the oldest professions practiced by man and has developed over time, starting with the concept of exchanging goods, passing through the entry of money as a means of dealing, as it became the representative of the purchasing value of the commodity, leading to the technological development we are experiencing now, which has begun to grow rapidly, thus changing the concept of commerce by liberating it. From being attached to a specific place and a specific time

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What are the top 8 marketing podcasts you need to listen to?

Top 8 Marketing Podcast Channels

A podcast is a group of episodes recorded in audio form and broadcast over the Internet. You can hear them during the live broadcast or by recording the episodes and listening to them later, whether using your smartphone or a computer, using special programs that play the podcast. In other words, the podcast is the modern version of Radio So what are the 8 best marketing podcast channels?

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Why do some products fail in the market?

Why do some products fail in the market?

Why do some products fail in the market? Providing products and services in the market is one of the great challenges for companies, whether large, small, or even emerging, as it requires good planning to demonstrate the quality, skill, efficiency, and achievement of the product to the market, but this is not enough for the product to be successful, as some major companies have spent millions of dollars thinking about its success. its products,

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What are Products Line?

What are Products Line?

ما هي خطوط المنتجات (Products Line) خطوط المنتجات عبارة عن مجموعة من المنتجات ذات الصلة، يتم تسويقها تحت علامة تجارية واحدة، وبيعها من قبل نفس الشركة تبيع الشركات خطوط إنتاج متعددة تحت أسماء تجارية مختلفة، وتسعى للتمييز بينها لتسهيل الاستخدام على المستهلكين، غالبا ما توسع الشركات عروضها عن طريق إضافة خطوط إنتاج جديدة إلى تلك

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What are fast-moving consumer goods?

What are fast-moving consumer goods?

What are fast-moving consumer goods? These are the products that individuals buy. From a marketing perspective, there are four types of fast-consuming consumer goods, and there are classifications and characteristics of consumer goods, so what are they? These are what we will mention in detail in the following lines on the Engeshop website. What are consumer goods? They are products that are purchased for consumption and are not later used to produce goods

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Factors for the success of your online store

Factors for the success of your online store

The success factors of your online store depend on technology such as mobile commerce, electronic money transfer, supply management, e-marketing, online business operations, digital data exchange, inventory management systems, and data aggregation. E-commerce provides many job opportunities due to information-related services and software applications. Digital products also cause job losses, and e-commerce brings convenience to consumers, so

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The best strategies for establishing the brand

The best strategies for establishing the brand

The best strategies for establishing a brand. Building a company’s reputation is not limited to the brand only, choosing the colors and fonts of the visual identity, and the artistic and creative elements it contains, but the company’s reputation and building it go beyond that. The company’s reputation represents the general image that other audiences, customers, investors, and employees have about your brand. It is considered one of the commercial assets owned by the institution, in addition to...

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Top 5 ways to increase sales for your store

Top 5 ways to increase sales for your store

What are the top 5 ways to increase sales for your store? In the beginning, increasing sales depends on the selling method that you offer to your customers, such as better features - better specifications - larger size, or if you offer a product that is more expensive than what they buy, then you must maximize the value for customers in order to succeed in increasing your store’s sales, and this is what we will discuss in detail on the website. EnglishShop.

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