What is the size of the e-commerce market in the Arab region in 2022?

The size of the e-commerce market in the Arab region in 2022?

مفهوم التجارة الإلكترونية: تعد التجارة من أقدم المهن التي مارسها الإنسان وقد تطورت عبر الزمن بدءاً من مفهوم مقايضة السلع مروراً بدخول النقود كوسيلة للتعامل حيث أصبحت تمثل القيمة الشرائية للسلعة وصولاً إلى ما نعيشه الآن من تطور تكنولوجي بدأ يتنامى بشكل متسارع مغيّراً بذلك مفهوم التجارة إذ حررها من الارتباط بمكان معين وساعة معينة […]

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Create a Google Analytics account and link it to Trinavo

Create and link a Google Analytics account Create and link a Google Analytics account What is Google Analytics? The Google Statistical Tool is a free tool from Google that helps you know the number of visitors to your store in a specific period of time and the sources of visits accurately. Linking steps: 1- Enter the following link to create an account on Google Analytics 2- Create an account

Create a Google Analytics account and link it to Trinavo Read More »

10 SEO tips

10 SEO tips

Tips for SEO: If you own a website and follow its statistics on Google Analytics, you will certainly notice that the best visits to your site, in terms of low bounce rate and visitor interaction, are those that came to you from search engines, especially from Google, and in the lines we explain The importance of search engine optimization on the EngShop website. 10 tips to improve

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What is SERP Analysis and strategies for improving search results

What is SERP Analysis and strategies for improving search results

What is SERP Analysis and search optimization strategies? There are millions of pages on the web, but none are more important to digital marketers than search engine results pages. SEO professionals and pay-per-click advertisers (AdWords ads) compete for the most prominent parts of the SERP, but competition is fierce. Technological advances in search mean that What matters most

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Knowing the trends of the target market through Google Trends (1)

Know the trends of the target market through Google Trends

How to know the trends of the target market through Google Trends? Google Trends or Google Trends is of great importance in the field of digital marketing, and every business owner must be familiar with Google Trends to determine the level of his position in targeting customers, and this is what we will explain in the following lines on the Engeshop website. Read also: How

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Take advantage of Google Analytics to improve your site's performance

Take advantage of Google Analytics to improve your site's performance

How to benefit from Google Analytics to improve your site's performance? The Google Analytics tool is one of the tools that website owners cannot do without to know the behaviors and preferences of targeted customers, and it is used to know the number of visitors and many other statistics that we will talk about in the following lines in detail on the Engeshop website. Read also: What is the difference between virtual reality (VR) and reality

Take advantage of Google Analytics to improve your site's performance Read More »

Important steps before launching your online store

Important steps before launching your online store

Starting a business online requires the same effort as you need to start an actual business, in addition to some special steps. The Internet has provided a dedicated arena for small business owners everywhere to make it easy to start a business online, without the need for the upfront costs that a business needs. The other. And in case you don't know who

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How to manage your customer relationships to develop your online store

How to manage your customer relationships to develop your online store

كيفية إدارة علاقات عملائك للتطوير من متجرك الإلكتروني ربما تكون قد طورت بعض المنتجات أو الخدمات الرائعة لتلبية حاجة سوق معين، لكن هذا لا يعني أن عملك سيكون ناجحًا، حيث سيكون لعملائك تأثير كبير على مدى جودة بيع منتجك أو خدمتك سواء كان ذلك من خلال المنتج الذي يهتمون بشرائه يهتمون او طريق شرائه، أو من

How to manage your customer relationships to develop your online store Read More »

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