
Restaurant Industry Trends for 2022-2023

Restaurant Industry Trends for 2022-2023

رغم الصعاب التي واجهها قطاع المطاعم خلال الجائحة وما بعدها، نجح رواد الأعمال في قي تأسيس شركات ناجحة في مجال الأغذية والمشروبات تركز على تسخير التكنولوجيا لتغيير شكل الصناعة. تواجه صناعة المطاعم في السنوات الأخيرة تحدياً كبيراً بسبب ما يفرضه الوضع العالمي للوباء المستجد ”كوفيد-١٩“ من أوضاع غير واضحة المعالم وتغيرات في سلوكيات الطلب وتجربة […]

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The Chinese-government-secretly-rescues-Evergrande

Repercussions of the Evergrande Real Estate crisis

In light of the recent global economic developments and the Corona pandemic, and the economic, financial, political, and other changes witnessed in global conditions...etc. The crisis of the giant Chinese real estate empire, the “China Evergrande” group, has emerged, whose importance comes from the fact that it represents the second largest real estate developer in China, especially since its shares were ranked among the best.

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Who has more influence on others, a robot or a human?

Who has more influence on others, a robot or a human?

Would you rather see a robot perform human dances or see humans perform the famous robot dance? Shakira recently danced with robotic movements and in the company of a dancing robot, like many dance artists who take inspiration from robots or robots, striking movements that many followers find entertaining, enthusiastic and inspiring to many innovators. Art and science are part of human civilization if one of the most

Who has more influence on others, a robot or a human? Read More »

How do you make sure that your business logo is not duplicated?

How do you make sure that your business logo is not duplicated?

ماذا لو صرفت الجهد عند تصميم شعار جديد واكتشفت عند الانتهاء من تنفيذه أن فكرة الشعار غير جديدة وقد تم ابتكارها مسبقاً، أي أن تصميمك الآن قد بات مكرراً،  أما في حال الموافقة عليها من قبل عميلك وامتلاك شعار آخر يشبه شعارك ملكية فكرية فلن تكون الأمور على أفضل حال، على الرغم من أن فكرة

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Financial freedom is the building block for building your financial edifice

Financial freedom is the building block for building your financial edifice

Financial freedom is the building block in building your financial edifice.. Naturally, we all seek financial stability, but what is the true meaning of being financially free?! Read also. Some people believe that in order to be financially stable, he must accumulate huge sums of money, such as collecting $10 million and thus achieving financial freedom for himself, but this is an incorrect belief because as he continues to spend

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The effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the world economy

The effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the world economy

The effects of the Russian-Ukrainian war on the world economy: The war between Russia and Ukraine led to turmoil in the global economy, as this war affected all economic aspects, from fuel to foodstuffs. It also affected global investment in general, and it is expected that this effect will continue to cause High debt and high inflation as a result of financial stress

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Qatar World Cup between costs and profits

It may be difficult to determine the exact cost of the World Cup finals held in Qatar, but estimates indicate more than $200 billion, making it the highest cost in the history of the World Cup, with estimates that the cost may be equal to what was spent on 21 previous tournaments combined, according to Front Office Sports, an American company specializing in financial consulting

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