Shaimaa Mohammad

Elements of marketing activity

Elements of marketing activity

ما هي عناصر النشاط التسويقي؟ تعرف العناصر الأساسية للنشاط التسويقي بمزيج من الاستراتيجيات والممارسات المستخدمة في تسويق المنتج الذي يقود المنظمة إلى النجاح، حيث قدمها أستاذ التسويق إدموند جيروم مكارثي وقسمت إلى أربعة عناصر رئيسية تعرف باللغة الإنجليزية باسم 4Ps، وتم تطويره لاحقًا وأضيفت إليه ثلاثة عناصر كان يعرف باللغة الإنجليزية باسم 7Ps ولهذا السبب […]

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What is the concept of marketing deception?

What is the concept of marketing deception?

What is the concept of marketing deception? Recently, with the increase in the process of buying and selling online and the Corona epidemic, the concept of the digital consumer has emerged, which relies heavily on electronic shopping and in the era of the digital economy, information, and competition for profits and other gains. We explain all of this on the Trinavo website. Read also: What is a feasibility study and its importance in business? What is the concept

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What is referral marketing?

What is referral marketing?

What is referral marketing? Recommendation marketing plays on people's innate emotional chord, which is the love of sharing experiences with others. People are social creatures by nature, and they tend to tell friends and family if they had a happy purchasing experience, but it's not guaranteed to happen every time! We explain all of this on the Trinavo website. Statistics indicate that

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What are the basic marketing characteristics?

What are the basic marketing characteristics?

What are the basic marketing characteristics? We talk about it more than we talk about anything because it is considered the most important field today, which is the field of marketing, which literally enters all areas of the current era and everything related to the electronic world. Marketing itself is full of terms and important things that no one can ignore at the present time. We explain all of this on the Trinavo website. Read

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The importance of marketing information systems

The importance of marketing information systems

What is the importance of marketing information systems? The marketing information system, or what is known as the marketing information system, is a system that collects, stores and analyzes marketing data, and also transmits that data to managers and people who need it, as it is one of the most important methods used in dealing with data created by research companies or business owners. We explain all the details here

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The most important terms in the world of marketing

The most important terms in the world of marketing

What are the most important terms in the world of marketing? Marketing today is considered the foundation upon which projects, companies and institutions are based to succeed and achieve the goals they aspire to, but not only for projects and companies, even individuals today need marketing and we hear terms such as self-marketing and psychological brands repeated these days. We explain all these details on the Trinavo website. Read also: What is it?

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Effects of the 2022 global economic crisis

Effects of the 2022 global economic crisis

What are the effects of the 2022 global economic crisis? The World Bank says Russia's invasion of Ukraine — coupled with damage from the COVID-19 pandemic — has exacerbated a slowdown in the global economy, which is entering a potentially prolonged period of weak growth and high inflation. This was stated in the latest Global Economic Prospects report issued by the World Bank, and this in turn

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What is the difference between internal and external marketing?

What is the difference between internal and external marketing?

What is the difference between inbound and outbound marketing? The importance of marketing has increased in recent years, as all business owners seek to control markets and win customers. This has led to a doubling of the effort expended in return, and the use of different types of marketing, to enable projects to achieve the results they want, among the types of marketing strategies used in internal marketing. And the outside. We explain everything

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E-marketing relies on artificial intelligence

E-marketing relies on artificial intelligence

E-marketing relies on artificial intelligence. Artificial intelligence has become one of the essential tools in the arsenal of digital marketers, as it has revolutionized the e-marketing industry. Its use is no longer limited to large companies, but is now used by even small companies and projects. A study conducted by Smart Insights showed that 55% of Companies are using or considering using AI in marketing

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The most important marketing trends in 2022

The most important marketing trends in 2022

What are the most important marketing trends in 2022? With the global scene moving towards the digitization of everything, it has become necessary for any business owner who wants to achieve success for his business to move towards digital transformation and rely on modern digital marketing techniques and methods to promote his business on the Internet. Therefore, the latest digital marketing trends can in no way be ignored

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