أساسيات التجارة الإلكترونية

SWOT analysis and its importance in business development

SWOT analysis and its importance in business development

التحليل الرباعي SWOT وأهميته في تطوير الاعمال يحتاج أصحاب الأعمال إلى فهم جيد للسوق ومعرفة الخطوات التي يمكنها أن تعمل بشكل جيد وتعود بالنفع عليه، بالإضافة إلى معرفة الأخطاء والتي قد تتسبب في تعطيل سير العمل والذي يحتاج لمعرفة أسبابه وطرق معالجته قبل البدء في إطلاق استراتيجية جديدة أو إحداث تغييرات على العلامة التجارية، كل […]

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5 Disadvantages of Shopify

5 Disadvantages of Shopify

5 Disadvantages of Shopify The Shopify platform is one of the best e-commerce platforms currently available through which you can establish a small business, due to the guidance and tools the platform provides to help people start their businesses, and despite the presence of a large number of features of this platform, It also contains some drawbacks

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Value-based pricing

Value-based pricing

Value-based pricing: Value-based pricing is defined as a strategy for determining the price of a product based on the customer’s vision of it. This strategy focuses on the customer, not just the product. This method is more widely used by companies that offer distinctive, high-value products. Other companies. Characteristics of value-based pricing through the definition of pricing

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How to Increase Market Share

How to increase market share

How to Increase Market Share How to Increase Market Share It may happen that some companies sell their products at cheap prices in order to win the market competition in front of other companies and increase their market share, only to then return and raise the prices of the products again. This is due to the companies’ fear of attracting new customers, which helps them increase their share. market value, which leads to an increase in value

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What is a commercial power of attorney?

What is a commercial power of attorney?

Commercial power of attorney In general, the power of attorney is a legal document that is granted to a person or a private lawyer to act on behalf of the client. The responsible lawyer or agent has comprehensive or limited authority to act on behalf of the client, and the agent can make decisions regarding many actions, such as medical care, financial, or public property, on behalf of his client.

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Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture: Many companies have become a different mix of brands, whether new or old brands, each with its own brand identity, which may cause confusion among consumers and reduce their desire to buy, which makes us shed light on brand architecture. Its importance and how you can establish the brand and make it work for you.

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How to succeed in social media marketing plan

How to succeed in social media marketing plan

How does the marketing plan succeed through social media? Social media has become an indispensable marketing tool for many companies and stores. However, there are many companies that do not achieve the desired result from marketing through social media, which is due to the lack of a clear plan for marketing, and to achieve success. Social media marketing strategy will be

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Product packaging levels

Product packaging levels

Product packaging levels: With the spread of stores, packaging has become an important matter, as it has become one of the points by which the success of the product is measured. Some customers use the product packaging feature as a tool to measure the value and quality of the product. Below we explain the levels of product packaging and how these levels affect the external appearance of the product and its ability to be sold and shipped. . What are the levels of product packaging? There are three

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Important steps before launching your online store

Important steps before launching your online store

Starting a business online requires the same effort as you need to start an actual business, in addition to some special steps. The Internet has provided a dedicated arena for small business owners everywhere to make it easy to start a business online, without the need for the upfront costs that a business needs. The other. And in case you don't know who

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