Use contests among your customers to increase marketing in your store

Use contests among your customers to increase marketing in your store

In light of the significant growth of e-commerce in the recent period, marketing has become one of the most important points that you must master in order to be able to market your store and obtain the largest customer base to achieve the highest profit rate. One of the marketing methods that works to attract more customers is the use of competitions between customers.

Using competitions between customers for marketing Using competitions means that there is competition between customers to win one of the store’s products for free, which works to increase interaction between customers.

Which helps in marketing the store and increasing interaction rates and visits to the commercial site.

Competition between customers also contributes to winning new customers by inviting existing customers to their friends and acquaintances, which helps expand the customer base and audience.

Some contest ideas that can be used to increase customer competition

The idea of the competition is the most important thing on which the success of the competition and the success of marketing the store through it depends. Competition ideas vary according to the nature of the product and service that each store provides. Below we present the most important ideas that can be used to hold competitions among customers:

• Write a description of the image

This competition is one of the most famous competitions adopted by many stores, which has achieved great success and attracted many customers, as a result of the great interaction from the public. The competition is carried out by asking the store to ask the public to write an appropriate description of the image of a product to be published on the store later, and the publication will be in the name of the winner.

A specific period is also set for the audience so that they can put the best comment and description of the photo, and the best one is chosen to receive the prize.

This competition generates high levels of interaction between customers and the public in general, which is of great benefit to the store.

• Design a video

One of the common ways to gain the greatest interaction among the audience is to hold a competition to film a video for customers who use the store’s product and talk about the features of the product and the reason that made them prefer it over other products. This method is one of the best marketing methods for the online store, which encourages other customers to buy it as well.

• personal photos

The other competition is a selfie with the product. This competition invites customers to take a selfie with the store’s products as a condition for the competition. Other customers vote on the best photo so that the owner of the photo is the winner. It is an effective competition in gaining the largest interaction from the audience. .

• Describe how to use the product

This competition is carried out by the store asking customers to write tips on how to use the product and explain their complete experience with the product. This method is characterized by expanding the circle of your customers while creating communication between all customers who have used the product, which helps increase the rate of interaction.

• Follow, like and add friends

This competition is based on the condition of following, pressing the like button, and adding friends. It is also one of the effective competitions in marketing the store and obtaining greater interaction from customers and other people, which works to introduce your store, obtain the largest interaction rate from everyone, and enable the store to reach the largest audience base.

• A competition to name a new product

It is one of the most famous competitions launched by famous stores, where a competition is launched to choose the best name proposed by the public and customers for a new product. This competition is considered one of the most effective and attractive competitions for customers, as some of the names that are proposed by customers are chosen and then voted on. By other customers.

• Discount and gift cards competition

It is also one of the most famous competitions conducted by many stores, which is preferred by the public and brings a distinctive return to the store. This competition depends on customers competing to win a gift card or discount from the store.


Competitions are one of the best marketing methods that have proven effective in increasing the rate of interaction and attracting other customers, which works to increase the rate of sales, so many famous stores rely on holding these competitions as one of the best successful marketing strategies.



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