التسويق و الكوبونات

Pink marketing and exploitation of women

Pink marketing and exploitation of women

التسويق الوردي واستغلال المرأة بصورة عامة تمثل النساء نصف سكان العالم، كما يرتفع استهلاك النساء من الإنفاق والمشتريات ليصل إلى ما يقرب من 85% من القوة الشرائية العامة، وهو ما يجعل النساء صاحبات دور رئيسي في الاقتصاد، ورغم وجود فروقات قليلة بين اساليب التسويق والاستهداف سواء للرجل أو للمرأة، إلا أن المرأة تظل العنصر الرئيسي […]

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Scamper technology for online store optimization

Scamper technology for online store optimization

SCAMPER technology to improve the online store. Many people are looking for unusual ideas to enhance their business and marketing, but they may fail to find ideas outside the box, but fortunately some advanced people in the field of commerce have developed SCAMPER technology to become the first companion for people who are looking for innovative ideas to improve products from... Simple things. What is Scamper? Scamper

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Marketing using coupons to increase sales

Marketing using coupons to increase sales

Marketing using coupons Many online store owners add coupons and discounts to the store's shopping strategy, with the aim of increasing sales and attracting the largest number of new customers. Discount coupons also encourage many shoppers to make purchases through the store or its website. Read also: How to market your online store? Definition of coupons

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