أنواع الإعلانات التسويقية

Scent Marketing

Scent Marketing

تسويق الروائح Scent Marketing يعد التسويق بالرائحة هو أحد أنواع استراتيجيات التسويق الذي أثبت فاعليته في الفترة الأخير، حيث يستهدف التسويق بالرائحة حاسة الشم لدى المستهلكين فقد أظهرت الدراسات أنه عند استخدام الروائح اثناء البيع فذلك يرفع نسبة البيعات إلى 11%، فكيف تعمل هذه الاستراتيجية وأي طريقة تعد الأفضل لاستغلال الروائح في رفع نسبة المبيعات. […]

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Break-Even Point

Break-Even Point

To build a correct and profitable business, you will have to know your break-even point, due to the importance of this point, which means that the total revenues are equal to the total costs, meaning there is no loss or profit, which may help you in making some decisions regarding the selling price and also provide you with an adequate vision for the situation. Prepare your sales budget as well

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Segmentation rules and their use in segmentation base

Segmentation rules and their use in segmentation base

Segmentation rules and their use in dividing the market segmentation base Segmentation rules are a set of characteristics that are used by marketers to divide consumers and the market in general into groups that can be targeted with specific marketing methods. The importance of these rules lies in their ability to give the marketer a clear vision of the points of similarity between... Consumers and making it easier for them when developing a strategy

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Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture

Brand Architecture: Many companies have become a different mix of brands, whether new or old brands, each with its own brand identity, which may cause confusion among consumers and reduce their desire to buy, which makes us shed light on brand architecture. Its importance and how you can establish the brand and make it work for you.

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Low cost marketing

Low cost marketing

Large companies need a lot of money in order to implement their marketing strategy. However, there is an opportunity for small companies to benefit from marketing strategies on the Internet to compete with major companies, as there are multiple methods that can be used by small companies, which are low cost marketing strategy, Which gives you the same results as companies get

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What are the four main types of ads?

What are the four main types of ads?

What are the four main types of ads? The types of advertisements differ according to several classifications in terms of the purpose of the advertisement and the category that the advertisement targets. In today’s article, we will mention what are the four main types of advertisements? In the following lines in detail. Read also: What is a feasibility study and its importance in business? What are the four main types of ads? We will mention in

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