
What is the size of the e-commerce market in the Arab region in 2022?

The size of the e-commerce market in the Arab region in 2022?

The concept of electronic commerce: Commerce is one of the oldest professions practiced by man and has developed over time, starting with the concept of exchanging goods, passing through the entry of money as a means of dealing, as it became the representative of the purchasing value of the commodity, leading to the technological development we are experiencing now, which has begun to grow rapidly, thus changing the concept of commerce by liberating it. From being attached to a specific place and a specific time

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What are the top 8 marketing podcasts you need to listen to?

Top 8 Marketing Podcast Channels

A podcast is a group of episodes recorded in audio form and broadcast over the Internet. You can hear them during the live broadcast or by recording the episodes and listening to them later, whether using your smartphone or a computer, using special programs that play the podcast. In other words, the podcast is the modern version of Radio So what are the 8 best marketing podcast channels?

Top 8 Marketing Podcast Channels Read More »

The 9 easiest ways to earn money from the Internet for students

The 9 easiest ways to make money from the Internet for students

Excellence in studies is one of the first-place goals in the life of every student, but in light of the economic conditions in which we live, the financial obstacle has become a reason for most students to search for a way to earn money in order to pay some of the expenses of their studies, taking into account that work does not negatively affect their academic lives, and fortunately it has spread. Freelance work via the Internet

The 9 easiest ways to make money from the Internet for students Read More »

Create a Google Analytics account and link it to Trinavo

Create and link a Google Analytics account Create and link a Google Analytics account What is Google Analytics? The Google Statistical Tool is a free tool from Google that helps you know the number of visitors to your store in a specific period of time and the sources of visits accurately. Linking steps: 1- Enter the following link to create an account on Google Analytics 2- Create an account

Create a Google Analytics account and link it to Trinavo Read More »

Create a free online store

Why should create an online shop

Why should you create an online shop? Online shopping is the process of purchasing products or services over the Internet, this means being online, accessing the seller’s website, selecting a product, and arranging for its delivery… The buyer can pay in exchange for goods or services over the Internet using a credit card or delivery. The difference between the online

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